Overall Plan for Stone Haven
A new 12-lot subdivision called Stone Haven is currently being built in Attleboro, MA. Located off of Lindsey Street, Stone Haven has 1,100 lf of road on 14.5 acres.
DiPrete Engineering is working with the subdivision’s owner, Steven Gietz, to provide the design and permits. The team has also provided soil evaluation/percolation testing, drainage/grading design and permitting services through the City of Attleboro’s Planning and Conservation Commission.
“The biggest obstacle has been making the site layout work with wetland areas on location,” said Jason Clough, Senior Project Engineer at DiPrete.

Stone Haven
DiPrete Engineering delineated the site’s vernal pool and received an Order of Resource Area Delineation from the Conservation Commission prior to creating the subdivision design. Other wetlands on site had previously been delineated but never verified. Natural Resource Services, Inc. was brought onto the project to help verify these wetlands with the Conservation Commission.
“By combining Steven Gietz’s vision with the City’s regulatory requirements, we were able to produce an approved subdivision that both the client and City are happy with.”
DiPrete is also providing survey layout and engineering assistance during construction.
In addition to DiPrete’s services, Dezotell Excavating is building Stone Haven’s road and installing its drainage system.