BankNewport has teamed up with Sage Environmental, DBVW Architects, and DiPrete Engineering to redesign and redevelop its 12,000 square foot office at Washington Square in Newport.
The team is creating plans to update the ADA accessibility to the front doors as well as the drive through configuration and pedestrian access connections to the abutting roadway. They are also upgrading the current utility services and redesigning the parking lot.
All upgrades have been approved by the City’s Historic District Committee in order to maintain the area’s historic character.
“This building revitalization will create much needed green space and landscape improvements to Newport’s bustling Washington Square,” said Molly Titus, Project Manager at DiPrete Engineering.
DiPrete Engineering is providing engineering, permitting, construction administration, and surveying services. The team also designed a new stormwater system to continue the City’s efforts in sanitary and storm sewer separation.