Greg Guglielmo
An article by DiPrete Vice President Greg Guglielmo was recently featured in New England Real Estate Journal. He discusses how consulting firms can find value in a developer’s perspective. He points out the importance of varied backgrounds and skill sets when it comes to construction, mentioning Joe Penney, a new member of DiPrete, who brings expertise from both the engineering and development side of the industry.
“When team members’ backgrounds are complementary, moving a project from conception to design to implementation can be much more efficient,” Guglielmo wrote. ”It is important for any firm to hire a team that understands all perspectives of the industry.”
During the final stages of permitting, negotiating conditions can be the difference between making or breaking a deal. The request to lose parking, reduce the square footage of a sign, shift a building over, or limit hours of operation can have severe repercussions to the viability of the project and the deals already in place.
“A well-rounded firm can create a win-win for everyone,” writes Guglielmo.
To view the full article, click here.