D+P Real Estate, Truth Box Inc. and DiPrete Engineering are teaming up in the development of a unique, sustainable apartment complex located within walking distance of Cranston’s Garden City Center.
Phase one of the development is an adaptive reuse project known as “45 Pop Lofts.” The project includes a full-gut renovation of the Cranston-Johnston Regional School, also known as St. Mark’s School. Using sustainable construction practices, the 24,000 square foot school will be rehabbed into 20 loft-style apartments preserving the structure’s history.
The project’s second phase entails the construction of an adjacent three-story, 32-unit apartment complex known as “125 Midway.” The new structure is being built to the highest green standards and will include underground parking, elevator access, a fitness center, and a balcony for each unit.
“Incorporating sustainable design solutions is a high priority for our client,” said Brian Giroux, a Senior Project Engineer at DiPrete Engineering. “To provide water quality, roof runoff will be treated using bioretention planter boxes that filter stormwater and pervious pavement will be installed throughout the parking area.”
DiPrete Engineering completed the development’s base mapping and site engineering and worked with the project attorney to obtain planning and zoning approvals.
45 Pop Lofts and 125 Midway are expected to be completed by Spring 2015.